Karen Geiger & Associates, inc.

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What is your DISC Super Bowl Style?

With credit to Petya Beckett with PeopleKeys:

The Big Game is today: if you have friends whose behavior during The Big Game amazes you, then you can bet their behavior is related to their personality style.

There are many personality models, but the most accurate – DISC by Dr. William Marston, distinguishes four main personality styles. We can have one primary style or a combination of these.

You may have one person who will jump in front of the screen, wave his hands, yell at the referees and to try to tell them what to do, pace around nervously, and act like he is about to jump on the field to kick the ball himself! Don’t be surprised – this is the “D” Personality Style. He may want to take charge and be in control. If things, however, are not going well for him, try to leave him alone until he restores his composure as a “D” style really can’t stand a loss.

If someone acts like a “chatterbox,” this is definitely a sign of an “I” Personality Style. He certainly likes to be the center of attention and is charming enough to get everyone’s eyes on him. With this sparkling personality around you, keep in mind you may happen to miss some of the tense moments of the game as he simply will not stop talking and might even just turn the TV sound off so he doesn’t have to yell to compete with the game sounds. He will use the commercial breaks to go online and share his impressions and feelings over the game and will make sure to post photos of everyone around him during the game gathering to let the world know how amazing his friends and family are.

In your group of friends or family members, there may be one who will embrace creating a high energy level, cozy atmosphere and happy mood with a variety of delicious snacks. These people are usually the invisible driving force of any family event as they simply love to take care of others and see their happy and content faces. This is person is the “S” Personality Style. They will not fight for control, but instead work with others to create an enjoyable environment for everyone during the game. So consider yourself lucky if you have some of these caring people.

If during the Super Bowl you become a little confused as to why the referee made a particular decision or wonder what the score is, turn to the one friend who “knows it all”. You can’t stump this person with any question as he is like a walking encyclopedia and knows all stats, not only for the ongoing game, but for all other 52 super big games in the past. This is the “C” Personality Style, and you can always count on him to be able to explain all the rules, exceptions and stories around each of the teams, players and even the history of this exciting game. And he will likelyhave already calculated all rates and chances for both sides. You can also bet he already knows who will win!

Now, you can use your newly acquired knowledge of human behavior with your friends and family during the Super Bowl game.