Everything DiSC ® on Catalyst™ Add-on Experience: Everything DiSC ® Management

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Everything DiSC ® on Catalyst™ Add-on Experience: Everything DiSC ® Management


YOUR MANAGEMENT STYLE: Managers learn about their DiSC® management style and the priorities that drive their approach to work. In small groups, they explore the responsibilities that energize them and drain them throughout the day.

PEOPLE READING: Managers practice a simple method to gauge the DiSC styles of their direct reports. They watch video clips and compete to guess the styles of the characters.

DIRECT AND DELEGATE: Managers discuss their natural strengths and challenges when delegating and directing. They explore how to customize their approach to specific direct reports so they can work more effectively.

MOTIVATION: Managers explore the type of environment they create for the people they manage and the ways that it might be motivating or demotivating. They learn how they can more effectively tailor that environment to their specific direct reports to create more engagement.

DEVELOP TALENT: Managers discuss the advantages and disadvantages of their natural style of developing others. They explore the diverse professional development needs among their direct reports so they can best support long-term growth.

MANAGE UP: Participants explore how their own manager tends to see them. They discuss how they can better connect with that manager, get buy-in, and deal with conflict.

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