Hire and retain the best people!

How to select the right people to implement your strategy? Here's a tool that improves your hiring process: PXT Select™.

PXT Select™ helps make the very human decisions about hiring simpler and smarter. It is a powerful selection assessment that measures a candidate’s cognitive abilities, behaviors, and interests. Assessment results equip organizations and hiring managers with easy-to-understand information about the candidate and provides intuitive questions to strengthen the interview process.

One Assessment gives you a suite of reports! PXT Select’s suite of reports helps you select, onboard, coach, and develop employees. Here they are:

o Comprehensive Selection Report
o Comprehensive Selection Report: Sales*
o Multiple Positions Report
o Multiple Candidates Report 
o Team Report
o Manager-Employee Report
o Individual’s Feedback Report
o Individual’s Feedback Report: Sales*
o Individual’s Graph
o Coaching Report
o Coaching Report: Sales*
o Performance Model Report

DM me for more information, a demo, or best practices for putting this in place in your organization.