
Increase your sales using this tool!

Engage your salespeople to adapt their style to their prospects and customers to improve results! Everything DiSC® Sales teaches participants to stretch beyond their natural Sales style to more effectively adapt to their customers’ preferences and expectations— regardless of the customer’s unique buying style. The experience is sales-specific with in-depth information, including tips, strategies, and action plans to help your salespeople become more effective.

The Everything DiSC® Sales Profile focuses on:

• Understanding your DiSC® style

• Recognizing and understanding customer buying styles

• Adapting your sales style to your customer’s buying style

• How to adapt DiSC style to meet the customer’s needs

DM me for more info and increase your organization's sales now!

Come to a thought-provoking webinar!

In the landscape of organizational change, the focus is often on strategies, systems, and structures. However, the deeply personal experience of how organizational changes impact their most valuable asset—their people— is often overlooked. Fortunately, organizations have a powerful change management resource at their fingertips—their managers.

Unlocking a manager’s potential doesn’t just happen. Managers need tools to improve interactions, build teams, and navigate the messy middle. Fortunately, many of your organizations already have access to a
powerful tool that will help your managers reach their full potential—Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™. Join Dr. Mark Scullard, Sr. Director of Product Innovation, Wiley Assessment Brands, to learn how people process change and what managers can do to meet their unique needs. Sign up today to help your managers bring out the best in their people during times of change. In this 60-minute webinar, you will learn:
ꞏ The emotional complexities of change
ꞏ The uncharted role managers play as navigators of change
ꞏ How Everything DiSC can help managers bring out the best in their people, teams, and organizations

This webinar is offered at two different times:
ꞏ1. October 26, 2023, 10–11 am Chicago (4–5 pm London)
ꞏ2. December 7, 2023, 1–2 pm Chicago (7–8 pm London)

Contact me to register!

Build your sales force's versatility!

Everything DiSC® Sales is a classroom training and personalized learning experience designed to help salespeople successfully create customer-centric interactions that improve results. It teaches participants to stretch beyond their natural Sales style to more effectively adapt to their customers’ preferences and expectations— regardless of the customer’s unique buying style. The experience is sales-specific with in-depth information, including tips, strategies, and action plans to help salespeople become more effective.

The Everything DiSC Sales Profile focuses on:

• Understanding your DiSC® style

• Recognizing and understanding customer buying styles

• Adapting your sales style to your customer’s buying style

• How to adapt DiSC style to meet the customer’s needs The Profile

In the 23-page profile, participants explore their own sales style and how their strengths and challenges influence their selling behaviors. They’ll also learn to recognize the behaviors unique to each buying style and gain strategies to adapt their sales style to meet the needs of their customers, improving their effectiveness and success. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation; sold separately.

Call me for more information or for a demo profile!