Build Engagement and Related Results Throughout your Organization!

Gallup's 2024 State of the Global Workplace reports these key findings:

-20% of the world’s employees experience daily loneliness. Loneliness is highest for fully remote workers.

-Well-being among younger employees dropped in 2023.

-Employee engagement is a significant factor in overall life experiences.

-Managers account for 70% of the variance in team employee engagement.

-Across countries, when managers are engaged, employees are more likely to be engaged.

-In best-practice organizations, 3/4 of managers and 7 in 10 non-managers are engaged.

When organizations increase the number of engaged employees, they improve a host of organizational outcomes, including profit, retention rates and customer service.

There are resources I provide that build engagement which increase employee and manager well-being as well as measurable results like profit, retention rates and customer service.

This graphic provides more specifics - dm me for more information or a demo!