
The Virtual Culture Imperative

Given this pandemic, most of us have shifted to virtual work: creating comfort, boundaries, and functionality in our home spaces, choosing the ways we will communicate and meet, and figuring out what’s most important to communicate while doing our best to manage informal and formal messages.

Creating a virtual workplace where we find ways to bring out the best in each other is now a priority, and it’s not an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice. And with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable.

In September 2020, Wiley surveyed 2,500 business professionals to better understand the impact of the pandemic on organizations and culture. They ranked skills by importance for virtual work, with these as the top 3:

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

  2. Social and Emotional Skills

  3. Basic Cognitive Skills

And, while 98% of leaders agreed it’s worth their team’s time to develop their social and emotional akills, only 9% strongly agreed that they know how to make that happen.

That’s where we come in. I have a suite of products you can use either with or without my facilitation to develop your virtual teamwork using these principles:

  • Everyone is different, so soft skills development must be personalized.

  • The learning must take place in a social context.

  • The learning must include reinforcement.

I have scripts and content for virtual delivery that will cause your team to bring out the best in each other and have a personalized learning experience. Call me and we can talk specifics!