Develop agility and emotional intelligence in your workforce!

Here's a valuable tool that helps your workforce be agile so they can make progress faster and pivot on short notice which is necessary now as our work environments become more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous To stand firm in our ideas while remaining open to new perspectives.

Staying agile demands that we develop and use our emotional intelligence (EQ)—a level of sophistication that we’ve never demanded before.

The tool is Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™: a classroom training and personalized learning experience that teaches participants to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly.

By combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with active emotional intelligence development, participants discover an agile approach to workplace interactions and learn to navigate outside their comfort zone, empowering them meet the demands of any situation.  

Pairing their personalized, 26-page Everything DiSC Agile EQ Profile with a short facilitation session, your learners will: 

1. Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions,

2. Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them,

3. Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.

The result is an emotionally intelligent workforce that can support your thriving agile culture. 

Interested to learn more? Contact me to discuss how Everything DiSC Agile EQ can help your organization today.

Build Agility. Develop Emotional Intelligence.

The more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous our working environments become, the more critical a truly agile workforce is to success. Each day, we’re called to make progress faster, while pivoting on short notice. To stand firm in our ideas while remaining open to new perspectives. Staying agile demands that we develop and use our emotional intelligence (EQ)—a level of sophistication that we’ve never demanded before. Sound daunting? It doesn’t have to be.

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that teaches your teammates to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. By combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with active emotional intelligence development, they discover an agile approach to workplace interactions and learn to navigate outside their comfort zone, empowering them meet the demands of any situation.

Pairing their personalized, 26-page Everything DiSC Agile EQ Profile with a half-day facilitation session, your learners will:

1. Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions

2. Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them

3. Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations

The result is an emotionally intelligent workforce that can support your thriving agile culture.

Make Learning part of your Everyday Organizational Culture

Everything DiSC® offers a suite of personal development learning experiences that measure our preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC® Application Suite.

Every Application: Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization. Each profile is powered by 40+ years of research, uses adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to generate precise and personalized insights for each participant. Participants receive this personalized content using the DiSC model and gain insights on their personal preferences and tendencies as well as relating to and working with others. They leave with actionable strategies for improving interactions and, ultimately, performance.

The Follow-Up Tools: Each profile has follow-up tools to allow participants to go deeper into their DiSC style, provide real-world tips for connecting with colleagues, and help them gain insight into their team or department’s DiSC culture. This makes learning ongoing and useful, and not just a training session.

The Everything DiSC® Application Suite:

  • WORKPLACE: Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work

  • AGILE EQ™: Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to build a thriving agile culture

  • MANAGEMENT: Teach managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people

  • PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT: Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses

  • WORK OF LEADERS® Create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution

  • SALES Provide salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations.

The Virtual Culture Imperative

Given this pandemic, most of us have shifted to virtual work: creating comfort, boundaries, and functionality in our home spaces, choosing the ways we will communicate and meet, and figuring out what’s most important to communicate while doing our best to manage informal and formal messages.

Creating a virtual workplace where we find ways to bring out the best in each other is now a priority, and it’s not an intuitive skill. It takes guidance, practice, and then more guidance and practice. And with the right leadership, it’s definitely achievable.

In September 2020, Wiley surveyed 2,500 business professionals to better understand the impact of the pandemic on organizations and culture. They ranked skills by importance for virtual work, with these as the top 3:

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

  2. Social and Emotional Skills

  3. Basic Cognitive Skills

And, while 98% of leaders agreed it’s worth their team’s time to develop their social and emotional akills, only 9% strongly agreed that they know how to make that happen.

That’s where we come in. I have a suite of products you can use either with or without my facilitation to develop your virtual teamwork using these principles:

  • Everyone is different, so soft skills development must be personalized.

  • The learning must take place in a social context.

  • The learning must include reinforcement.

I have scripts and content for virtual delivery that will cause your team to bring out the best in each other and have a personalized learning experience. Call me and we can talk specifics!

How to Keep your Top Talent

A 2010 HBR article by Jean Martin and Conrad Schmidt lists 6 mistakes organizations make in focusing on their top talent which has the most impact on results:

  1. Assuming that high potentials are highly engaged. The Corporate Executive Board's research revealed that 1 in 4 intends to leave their organization within a year, 1 in 3 admits to not putting all their effort into their job, 1 in 5 believes their personal aspirations are quite different from what the organization has planned for them, and 4 out of 10 have little confidence in their coworkers and even less confidence in the senior team.

  2. Equating current high performance with future potential. The "high potential" designation is often used as a reward for an associate's contribution in a current role, but most people on the leadership track will be asked to deliver future results in much bigger jobs. Knowing their aspirations is critical.

  3. Delegating down the management of top talent. High potential employees are a long-term corporate asset and should be managed accordingly, not hidden in functional areas managed by line managers.

  4. Shielding rising stars from early derailment. The very best programs place emerging leaders in "live fire" roles where new capabilities can and must be acquired.

  5. Expecting star employees to share the plan. Under normal circumstances, higher potentials put in 20% more effort than other employees in the same role. Sweetening the bonus pool or differentiating compensation for them makes their rewards in line with their contributions.

  6. Failing to link your starts to your corporate strategy. Confidence in their managers and in their firms' strategic capabilities is one of the strongest factors in top employees' engagement. Develop ways to share your future strategies on a privileged basis with your high potential leers and emphasize their role in making that future real.

Tools to engage your stars

Everything DiSC® solutions provide rich, versatile learning programs that offer personal insight for learners at every level of an organization, using a consistent language of DiSC®. Using a research-validated learning model, each solution provides in-depth information including tips, strategies, and action plans to help learners become more effective in the workplace. All Everything DiSC solutions include unlimited access to complimentary follow-up reports and MyEverythingDiSC®, the interactive learning portal exclusive to Everything DiSC.

Tools to discuss future potential

Use the PXT Select assessment for selection, onboarding, development and future potential assessment.

*Get a clear picture of candidate’s thinking style, behaviors, and interests, giving you a meaningful edge in making the right hiring decision.

*Start the selection process on the right foot. Explore an expanding library of job functions to which you can compare candidates.

*Interview with confidence by asking tailored questions and keeping an open ear for “what to listen for” based on a candidate’s assessment results.

*Identify ways to enhance performance and maximize an individual’s contribution to an organization.

*Match people with positions in which they’ll perform well and enjoy what they do.

*Reduce critical turnover and boost employee engagement. 

Tools to engage high potentials with their teams

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is an assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible.Powered by Everything DiSC®, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC® styles. Bringing together everyone’s personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge—for individuals, the team, and the organization.

Bridging Generational Differences in the Workplace

Did you know that for the first time ever, we have five generations in the workplace? Five! In a time where diversity and inclusion are (thankfully!) a top priority for organizations, generational diversity can be easy to overlook. Yet, each generation brings diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and behavioral norms to work that, when effectively connected, can improve organizational culture and performance.
The notion of so many generations now working together hadn’t really occurred to us until we watched Chip Conley’s TED Talk, “What baby boomers can learn from millennials at work – and vice versa”. Conley, Airbnb exec—and, coincidentally, Wiley-published author—found himself as the company elder when he brought his hospitality industry expertise to the (at the time) up-and-coming tech startup.
“The more I've seen and learned about our respective generations, the more I realize that we often don't trust each other enough to actually share our respective wisdom,” Conley explains. “I believe, looking at the modern workplace, that the trade agreement of our time is opening up these intergenerational pipelines of wisdom so that we can all learn from each other.”
We’ve talked before about how Everything DiSC® can help bridge the gap between different working styles…but can DiSC help us connect people across the five generations in today’s modern workplace? We believe it can!
People often ask us:

  1. Do people’s DiSC styles change as they get older?

  2. Are there differences among generations on DiSC style?

The short answer is differences in DiSC style based on generations is very, very slight. In statistical terms, age accounts for less than 1% of variance in DiSC styles. This means if you look at all the differences we see across DiSC styles, less than 1% of those differences are related to age. 
In other words, DiSC transcends differences in age and serves as a roadmap to connect people across generations. Through this roadmap, organizations can foster work environments that enable all five generations to teach and learn from each other. 
Take, for example, a team of two Millennials, a Gen-Xer and a Baby Boomer. They may feel quite different from each other and struggle to connect, blaming this struggle on differences in age and experience. In learning their DiSC styles, they start to see each other from a new perspective. Instead of two Millennials, a Gen-Xer and a Baby Boomer, they might discover they are an S-style, a CD-style, and two D-styles!  Because DiSC delivers actionable ways to connect across workstyles, this team can experiment with new, more effective, ways to work together.
Conley states, “I don't care if you're in the B-to-B world, the B-to-C world, the C-to-C world or the A-to-Z world, business is fundamentally H-to-H: human to human.” We couldn’t agree more. Implementing Everything DiSC in an organization connects people on a human level. It helps people understand more about themselves, of course. But maybe more importantly, it also helps people understand others and how they can appreciate their similarities and value their differences.
We, like you, believe in the power of connecting diversity in the workplace and generational diversity is no exception. We’ll close with another quote from Conley:
“We have five generations in the workplace today, and we can operate like separate isolationist countries, or we can actually start to find a way to bridge these generational borders. And it's time for us to actually look at how to change up the physics of wisdom so it actually flows in both directions, from old to young and from young to old.”
To learn more about how Everything DiSC can engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work, call me at 704.372.9842 or email me at kag@mindspring.com

Do you want on-site DiSC Certification at your workplace?

I am now licensed to certify your teammates at your workplace, so if you have a new team member I can come to you. The price is the same as if you went to Minneapolis or if you chose online. 

There will be online pre-work (3-4 hours), then I will conduct a 2-day certification workshop, then after some post-session review (90 minutes) online, participants will take a certification exam and receive their certificate after passing at 80%. 

As always, call or email me with questions or to set up a session. 

Choose the Everything DiSC solution that's right for you!

Everything DiSC® solutions provide rich, versatile learning programs that offer personal insight for learners at every level of an organization, using a consistent language of DiSC®. Using a research-validated learning model, each solution provides in-depth information including tips, strategies, and action plans to help learners become more effective in the workplace. All  Everything DiSC solutions include unlimited access to complimentary follow-up reports and MyEverythingDiSC®, the interactive learning portal exclusive to Everything DiSC.

The Solutions
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict. Designed to help learners curb destructive behaviors so
that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®. The Work of Leaders made simple: Vision, Alignment,
and Execution. Based on best practices, Work of Leaders connects to real-world demands, generating powerful conversations that provide a clear path for action.

Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders. Combines the best of 360s with the simplicity and power
of DiSC, plus three personalized strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. For anyone who wants to use 360° feedback as part of their leadership development, whether an emerging leader or an experienced executive.

Everything DiSC Workplace®. Can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to build more effective relationships, and improve the quality of the workplace.

Everything DiSC Management. Teaches managers how to bring out the best in each employee. They learn how to read employee styles and adapt their own styles to manage more effectively.

Everything DiSC Sales. Helps salespeople connect better with their customers by understanding their DiSC sales style, understanding their customers’ buying styles, and adapting their sales style to meet their customers’ buying styles.

Everything DiSC® Comparison Report: Can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences. Complimentary, unlimited access available with all Everything DiSC Profiles.

Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators: Provides more detailed data about an Everything DiSC assessment and helps facilitate a richer discussion about a respondent’s DiSC® style, including unexpected items. Complimentary, unlimited access available with all Everything
DiSC Profiles, excluding Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Report: Provides a composite of your group’s DiSC styles and information on how DiSC styles can impact your organization’s culture. Includes the names and
styles of each participant. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC Group Culture Report: Helps you determine the group’s DiSC culture, explore
its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision-making and risk-taking. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC 363® Coaching Supplement: Additional information for coaches to use when preparing to provide leaders with their Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders feedback. Exclusively for the Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Profile at no additional charge.

Everything DiSC Customer Interaction Map: Personalized follow-up interaction maps to help
salespeople navigate from their sales styles to their real-life customers’ buying styles.

MyEverythingDiSC®: Learners gain unlimited access to the mobile-friendly, interactive learning portal that provides on-demand insights about DiSC and strategies for applying DiSC to real
work situations. 

Call me today for more information, a demo, or to order!